My Name Is Alex

Frontend | UI/UX | Backend

I specialize in creating intuitive and efficient software solutions that solve real-world problems. With expertise in both frontend and backend development, I'm capable of handling every aspect of a project, from ideation to implementation.

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2 years experience

50+ projects developed

25+ projects designed

About Me

I'm a Full Stack Developer with experience in a variety of technologies including React, Redux, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and MySQL. I've worked on several projects that demonstrate my ability to develop and deploy web applications using these technologies. I'm familiar with version control using Git and testing with Jest and Enzyme.

One of my core values is a commitment to quality. I believe in following best practices in software development, including version control, testing, and documentation. By doing so, I ensure that the software I produce is of the highest quality and is reliable for users.

I am motivated by my passion for creating exceptional user experiences. I have chosen software development as my path because I am enthusiastic about building and creating things from scratch. Furthermore, my entrepreneurial mindset drives me to think outside the box and explore innovative solutions.



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frontend development

ui/ux design

backend development


  • frontend

    • html
    • css
    • sass
    • javascript
    • typescript
    • react
    • bootstrap
  • tools

    • figma
    • git
    • github
    • docker
    • linux
    • aws
    • jenkins
  • backend

    • nodeJS
    • express
    • sql
    • python


game development

micro services
